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Paymaster API V3 RPC Methods

JSON-RPC API reference for Candide's Paymaster V3 service. Visit the dashboard to get an API key for Candide's Paymaster.

Entrypoint V0.8

EIP-7702 support is added with with EntryPoint v0.8. You can use the Paymaster API to offer gas sponsorship to endusers through a full gas policies or offering to pay gas in erc-20 tokens. The Paymaster API for Entrypoint v0.8 is fully backword compatible and has no breaking changes from Entrypoint v0.7


Gets supported ERC-20 Tokens for gas payments, along side the paymaster metadata


{ "method": "pm_supportedERC20Tokens", "params": [entrypoint: string] }


"result": {
paymasterMetadata: {
name: string,
description: string,
icons: string[],
address: string,
sponsoredEventTopic: string,
dummyPaymasterAndData: {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string
tokens: [{
name: string,
symbol: string,
address: string,
decimals: number,
exchangeRate: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_supportedERC20Tokens",
"params": ["0x4337084D9E255Ff0702461CF8895CE9E3b5Ff108"]


Sends a UserOperation to a paymaster for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason.


{ "method": "pm_sponsorUserOperation", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
sponsorMetadata?: {
name: string,
description: string,
url: string,
icons: string[],
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_sponsorUserOperation",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"factory": "0x..",
"factoryData": "0xf3....0000",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymaster": "0x..",
"paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.


Returns the entryPoint addresses supported by the paymaster.


{ "method": "pm_supportedEntryPoints", "params": [] }


{ "result": string[] }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_supportedEntryPoints",
"params": []


Get Chain ID asks the paymaster service to return the chain_id it currently supports


{ "method": "pm_chainId", "params": [] }


{ "result": number }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_chainId",
"params": []


ERC-7677 compatible method. Equivilant to Candide's pm_sponsorUserOperation. It can return isFinal: true if the stub data is sufficient and no further data is needed.


ERC-7677 is currently under review, and this method is subject to breaking changes based on the evolving specifications of the EIP.

It receives a userOperation for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason


{ "method": "pm_getPaymasterStubData", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, chainId: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
sponsor?: {
name: string,
description: string,
url: string,
icons: string[],
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_getPaymasterStubData",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"factory": "0x..",
"factoryData": "0xf3....0000",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymaster": "0x..",
"paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.


ERC-7677 compatible method. Equivilant to Candide's pm_sponsorUserOperation.


ERC-7677 is currently under review, and this method is subject to breaking changes based on the evolving specifications of the EIP.

It receives a userOperation for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason


{ "method": "pm_getPaymasterData", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, chainId: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_getPaymasterData",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"factory": "0x..",
"factoryData": "0xf3....0000",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymaster": "0x..",
"paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.

Entrypoint V0.7


Gets supported ERC-20 Tokens for gas payments, along side the paymaster metadata


{ "method": "pm_supportedERC20Tokens", "params": [entrypoint: string] }


"result": {
paymasterMetadata: {
name: string,
description: string,
icons: string[],
address: string,
sponsoredEventTopic: string,
dummyPaymasterAndData: {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string
tokens: [{
name: string,
symbol: string,
address: string,
decimals: number,
exchangeRate: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_supportedERC20Tokens",
"params": ["0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032"]


Sends a UserOperation to a paymaster for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason.


{ "method": "pm_sponsorUserOperation", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
sponsorMetadata?: {
name: string,
description: string,
url: string,
icons: string[],
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_sponsorUserOperation",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"factory": "0x..",
"factoryData": "0xf3....0000",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymaster": "0x..",
"paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.


Returns the entryPoint addresses supported by the paymaster.


{ "method": "pm_supportedEntryPoints", "params": [] }


{ "result": string[] }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_supportedEntryPoints",
"params": []


Get Chain ID asks the paymaster service to return the chain_id it currently supports


{ "method": "pm_chainId", "params": [] }


{ "result": number }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_chainId",
"params": []


ERC-7677 compatible method. Equivilant to Candide's pm_sponsorUserOperation. It can return isFinal: true if the stub data is sufficient and no further data is needed.


ERC-7677 is currently under review, and this method is subject to breaking changes based on the evolving specifications of the EIP.

It receives a userOperation for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason


{ "method": "pm_getPaymasterStubData", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, chainId: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
sponsor?: {
name: string,
description: string,
url: string,
icons: string[],
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_getPaymasterStubData",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"factory": "0x..",
"factoryData": "0xf3....0000",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymaster": "0x..",
"paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.


ERC-7677 compatible method. Equivilant to Candide's pm_sponsorUserOperation.


ERC-7677 is currently under review, and this method is subject to breaking changes based on the evolving specifications of the EIP.

It receives a userOperation for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason


{ "method": "pm_getPaymasterData", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, chainId: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymaster: string,
paymasterData: string,
paymasterVerificationGasLimit: string,
paymasterPostOpGasLimit: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_getPaymasterData",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"factory": "0x..",
"factoryData": "0xf3....0000",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymaster": "0x..",
"paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x..",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.

Entrypoint V0.6


Gets supported ERC-20 Tokens for gas payments, along side the paymaster metadata


{ "method": "pm_supportedERC20Tokens", "params": [entrypoint: string] }


"result": {
paymasterMetadata: {
name: string,
description: string,
icons: string[],
address: string,
sponsoredEventTopic: string,
dummyPaymasterAndData: string,
tokens: [{
name: string,
symbol: string,
address: string,
decimals: number,
exchangeRate: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_supportedERC20Tokens",
"params": ["0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789"]


Sends a UserOperation to a paymaster for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason.


{ "method": "pm_sponsorUserOperation", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymasterAndData: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
sponsorMetadata?: {
name: string,
description: string,
url: string,
icons: string[],
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_sponsorUserOperation",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"initCode": "0x",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.


Returns the entryPoint addresses supported by the paymaster.


{ "method": "pm_supportedEntryPoints", "params": [] }


{ "result": string[] }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_supportedEntryPoints",
"params": []


Get Chain ID asks the paymaster service to return the chain_id it currently supports


{ "method": "pm_chainId", "params": [] }


{ "result": number }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_chainId",
"params": []


ERC-7677 compatible method. Equivilant to Candide's pm_sponsorUserOperation. It can return isFinal: true if the stub data is sufficient and no further data is needed.


ERC-7677 is currently under review, and this method is subject to breaking changes based on the evolving specifications of the EIP.

Sends a UserOperation to a paymaster for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterAndData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason.


{ "method": "pm_getPaymasterStubData", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, chainId: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymasterAndData: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
sponsor?: {
name: string,
icon?: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_getPaymasterStubData",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"initCode": "0x",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.


ERC-7677 compatible method. Equivilant to Candide's pm_sponsorUserOperation.


ERC-7677 is currently under review, and this method is subject to breaking changes based on the evolving specifications of the EIP.

Sends a UserOperation to a paymaster for off-chain verification. If approved, it will return the paymasterAndData. It will also return gas overrides when the mode for gas sponsorship uses a Gas Policy.

  • ERC-20s Gas Payments: No gas overrides are returned
  • Gas Policies: Mandatory callGasLimit, verificationGasLimit, preVerificationGas, maxFeePerGas, and maxPriorityFeePerGas fields are returned.

Supports two types of Gas Policies:

  • Public Gas Policies: These are gas policies provided by third parties, which do not require a sponsorship policy ID.
  • Private Gas Policies: These require a sponsorship policy ID and can be used if no public gas policy matches the user operation.

If the paymaster rejects the UserOperation, it returns a standard JSON-RPC error with the reason.


{ "method": "pm_getPaymasterData", "params": [userOperation: object, entrypoint: string, chainId: string, context: object] }


"result": {
paymasterAndData: string,
callGasLimit?: string,
verificationGasLimit?: string,
preVerificationGas?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"method": "pm_getPaymasterData",
"params": [
"sender": "0x2c298CcaFF..c236fCC66dB2",
"nonce": "0x17",
"initCode": "0x",
"callData": "0xf3....0000",
"callGasLimit": "0x12a87",
"verificationGasLimit": "0x1a332",
"preVerificationGas": "0xe95c",
"maxFeePerGas": "0x5f4ecdc0",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x59682f00",
"paymasterAndData": "0x",
"signature": "0x",
{ "sponsorshipPolicyId" : "1234" } // sponsorshipPolicyId key value field is optional if using a private gas policy.