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Account Recovery


Social Recovery is widely accepted as an effective method for users to regain control of their accounts by changing the main access control to a new owner through their trusted contacts. Account Recovery modules allow owners to add recovery addresses, known as Guardians, to facilitate this process in case their signer key is lost or compromised.

The Candide Social Recovery Module is flexible to accept various types of Ethereum accounts as Guardians, including:

  • Family and friends'
  • Hardware wallets
  • Institutions
  • Email / SMS (through custodial services offering cloud-based wallets)

Learn more on how the Social Recovery Module work on this post.


Contracts, Formal Verification and Audits be found on the github repo candide-contracts.




Prefer to run a simple example? Fork this repo and add your first guardian here.

npm i abstractionkit@0.1.12

We're installing v0.1.12 of abstractionkit, an experimental version that includes the Guardian Recovery Module, only on Sepolia Testnet.


import { SocialRecoveryModule } from "abstractionkit";

How to use

Initialize a SocialRecoveryModule instance

const srm = new SocialRecoveryModule();

Then consume the module methods like the following:

const accountAddress = "0x1.."
const guardianAddress= "0x2.."

const metaTransaction1 = srm.createEnableModuleMetaTransaction(accountAddress);

const metaTransaction2 = srm.createAddGuardianWithThresholdMetaTransaction(
1n //threshold

Setup Guardians


Active the recovery plugin for the smart account

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.


Creates a MetaTransaction that lets the owner add a guardian for its account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
guardianAddress stringThe guardian to add.
threshold bigintThe new threshold that will be set after addition.

Change Guardians Setup


Creates a MetaTransaction that lets the owner revoke a guardian from its account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
prevGuardianAddress stringThe previous guardian linking to the guardian in the linked list.
guardianAddress stringThe guardian to revoke.
threshold bigintThe new threshold that will be set after execution of revokation.


Creates a MetaTransaction that lets the owner change the guardian threshold required to initiate a recovery.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
threshold bigintThe new threshold that will be set after execution of revokation.



Creates a MetaTransaction that lets a single guardian confirm the execution of the recovery request. It can also trigger the start of the execution by passing true to 'execute' parameter. Once triggered, the recovery will started the recovery period delay, before it can be finalised.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
newOwners string[]The new owners' addresses.
newThreshold numberThe new threshold for the safe.
execute booleanWhether to auto-start execution of recovery.


Creates a MetaTransaction that lets multiple guardians confirm the execution of the recovery request. It can also trigger the start of the execution by passing true to 'execute' parameter. Once triggered, the recovery will start the recovery period delay, before it can be finalised.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
newOwners string[]The new owners' addresses.
newThreshold numberThe new threshold for the safe.
signatures string[]The guardians' signatures.
execute booleanWhether to auto-start execution of recovery.


Creates a MetaTransaction that lets the guardians start the execution of the recovery request. Once triggered, the recovery will be pending for the recovery period before it can be finalized.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
newOwners string[]The new owners' addresses.
newThreshold numberThe new threshold for the safe.


Creates a MetaTransaction that finalizes an ongoing recovery request if the recovery period is over. The method is public and callable by anyone to enable orchestration.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.

Cancel a Recovery


Creates a MetaTransaction that lets the account cancel an ongoing recovery request.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
accountAddress stringThe target account address.



Retrieves specific guardian approval status for a particular recovery request at the current nonce.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
guardian stringThe guardian.
newOwners string[]The new owners' addresses.
newThreshold numberThe new threshold for the safe.


Checks if an address is a guardian for an account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
guardian stringThe address to check.


Counts the number of active guardians for an account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.


Retrieves the guardians threshold for the account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.


Get the active guardians for an account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.


Retrieves the account's current ongoing recovery request.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.


Retrieves the guardian approval count for this particular recovery request at the current nonce.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.
newOwners string[]The new owners' addresses.
newThreshold numberThe new threshold for the safe.


Get the module nonce for an account.

Param NameParam TypeDescription
rpcUrl stringThe URL of the Ethereum RPC endpoint.
accountAddress stringThe target account address.